Tuesday, 18 December 2012

iPhone 5 and a special surprise

Hi, and yes we are going to make an IPhone 5,first you need to choose a colour either black or white or both.now for the ICarly and Victorious fans this post will also teach you how to make the Pearphone.Now that you know what we are going to make here is the stuff you need

                                                         -Tough paper,cardboard plastic paper

                                                         -hot glue ,paper glue

                                                         -four 50sen coins

                                                         -black paint or black spray paint and clear spray paint

                                                        -Printer (optional)

                                                        -hobby knife

If you want to make the Pearphone scroll to 2. If you want to make the iPhone scroll to 1.

1.the iPhone one of the better smart phones so if you want to make it select the "white" and wait for it to download Unfortunately I only have the white one sorry but if you want the black one you can go on google and search for iPhone 5 papercraft .be sure to print it out onto tough paper

After you print it out cut it carefully with a hobby knife,be sure to fold it oh and you see all those triangle and rectangle stuff those are called "tabs" put glue on it and take the top piece and put it on the tab and glue it in place after you are done doing that cut out some card board and put it in the back of the iphone and if you want a black screen put masking tape around the screen and spray or paint the screen black after it dries fold and hot glue some coins onto the cardboard in the phone and glue it on to the back of the phone after every thing is one spray it with the clear spray paint (it is optional).And all you need now is a case for it.thats all for the iPhone 5 

2. Many people have maked this and I'm sure half of the people uses wood well I use hot glue and paper and heres how first draw out the front and the back of the Pearphone or easier just print it out 
on tough paper of course, now draw a one cm high piece of  long paper with  tabs of course . Than cut it out after that spray the screen black and glue everything into place draw the details on the Pearphone and spray it with the clear spray paint (again optional) and you are done if you find it confusing please feel free to comment and remember Art Is Not Fart haha it never gets old TO ME! 

Anyways bye!!!

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